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The Economic Servitude of India

India has suffered political servitude, but now we are moving towards a situation of economic servitude. It is now an imperative that all the people are made aware of this. Ex. One kilo of potato chips (uncle chips) is purchased by people at Rs. 400/-. The potatoes cost maximum of about Rs. 20/- per kg. Even with a cost of oil and packaging it should be a maximum of Rs. 40/- per kg. And how much do we pay? Rs.400/-! Where does the balance money go? This money goes outside India and contributes to India becoming that much poorer.

It costs 70 paisa to produce one bottle of Coca-Cola or Pepsi. This is then sold at Rs. 12/- per bottle. Where is the excess money going? If we continue at this rate, we’ll only found multinational companies selling oil, soap, water etc. and further impoverish our country. In future we may have to buy the same coconut we buy today at Rs.10/- at Rs. 100/-. In future our children well have to buy tomatoes a Rs. 200/-. What do we have to do to prevent this from happening to our country?

The government is unable to do any action, as its hands are tied. Only the people can handle this situation. You must all wake up and speak. We must remove Coke and Pepsi from each and every village. We must ensure that in the villages this is situation is not accepted. Each person should take responsibility of educating and informing at least 10 villages of these facts. Bring awareness to the villagers that the money that is earned in the village is taken to the cities to the international companies. Then it is misused in activities that are against our Dharma. 

The country’s greatest wealth is the wealth of the villages. Not even one paisa leaves the village. This is how we have to think and work. The government will supply you with a lot of machinery. In one village put up an oil making machine; this oil should then be sold to 10 villages. In the same way if soap, chips etc. are manufactured in the villages, the villagers will prosper and employment will increase. That is why we must put a stop to all these things. We must go to each and every village and meet the leaders, speak to them, then speak to the shopkeepers. Ask them what they want? Do they wish their villages to remain poor or become self-sufficient?

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